MPS 004 Comparative Politics Issues and Trends

MPS 004 Comparative Politics: Issues and Trends

Chapter-1 Comparative Politics: Nature, Significance and Evolution
Chapter-2 Comparative Approaches and Methods: Systems, Structural Functional and Public Policy
Chapter-3 Comparative Approaches: Political Economy, Dependency and World Systems
Chapter-4 Theories of State
Chapter-5 State in Developing Societies: Asian, African and Latin American Experiences
Chapter-6 Civil Society and The State
Chapter-7 Globalization and State
Chapter-8 Regional Integration and State
Chatper-9 International Organizations and State
Chapter-10 Transnational/Multinational Corporations and State
Chapter-11 Nationalism: Approaches
Chapter-12 Forms of Nationalism
Chapter-13 Colonialism and Anti-Colonial Struggles
Chapter-14 Nationality and Self Determination
Chapter-15 State Building and Constitutionalism
Chapter-16 Ethnicity Politics and State
Chapter-17 Politics of Community Identities
Chapter-18 Ethnic Movements
Chapter-19 Political Regime
Chapter-20 Bureaucracy
Chapter-21 Military in Politics
Chapter-22 Federalism: Patterns and Trends
Chapter-23 Parties and Party Systems
Chapter-24 Interest Groups, Pressure Groups and Lobbying
Chapter-25 Poverty and Human Development
Chapter-26 Gender and Development
Chapter-27 Environment
Chapter-28 Science, Technology and Politics
Chapter-29 Decentralization and Participation
Chapter-30 Human Rights

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