IGNOU Exam Form 2020: Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) has released the web notification for the Exam Form on its official website. Candidates who have completed their assignments can only fill the IGNOU Term End Examinations (TEE) Form. IGNOU Examination Forms also are available within the regional centers also within the study centers. Candidates can fill the IGNOU Term End Exam Form through online mode only. The registered candidates can fill the web IGNOU Exam Form on or before 31st March 2020. After 31st March 2020 also candidates can fill the web exam form till 5th May 2020 with the late IGNOU Examination fees.
IGNOU conducts the term end examinations within the month of June and December for all its courses. These are Diploma, Advanced Diploma, Certificate, and Advanced Certificate, Master’s Degree, Bachelor’s Degree, etc. Students refill the exam form June 2020 for the varied courses under these categories. Those are B.Ed, M.Ed., Post Basic B.Sc. Nursing, BDP, B.Sc., M.Sc., M.Com, MSW, BSW, BA, MBA, BBA, MTM, BTS, MCA, BCA, MA, B.Com, etc. Read the entire article to understand all the knowledge about IGNOU June Exam Form.
Candidates confirm that they need submitted the assignments for the courses before filling the IGNOU Exam Form. Candidates also can check the June Term End examination result on the official website before filling the December exam form. IGNOU will conduct both the idea and practical exam in June 2020 for its various courses like diploma, certificate, master’s degree, bachelor’s degree, etc. So, the scholars must refill the exam form on or before the last date. Students who are pursuing various UG & PG courses from the open distance learning education university need to fill the exam form by paying the prescribed fees to seem within the exam.
Otherwise, they will not be allowed to seem within the IGNOU exam. The university established a complete of 877 exam centers in several parts of the country to conduct the IGNOU exam. IGNOU hall ticket are going to be issued by the university to all or any the eligible students who refill the exam form. IGNOU Exam Form Term End Examination June 2020. IGNOU Form refill has been discussed below.
Admit card are going to be sent by post to the student’s address by the university. Students also can download the hall ticket from the university website 10 days before the start of the exam. it's published that the exams of FST-1 and BSHF101 courses are going to be conducted twice in December. Once conducted for the BA and B.Com students. Then, next conducted for the B.Sc. students and other courses.
· IGNOU Re-registration for January 2020 Sessions
· Apply Now for Term End Exam Form June 2020.
· IGNOU 2020 Registration for OPENMAT XLVII (MBA) has been started from 28th February 2020.
· IGNOU Exam Form Status for June 2020 exam are often checked here.
The Datesheet has been changed accordingly and therefore the dates for the courses are as follows:
FST-1 Exam Date
· For BA and BCom: June 2020
· For B.Sc and Other courses: June 2020
· BSHF-101 Exam Date
· For BA and BCom: June 2020
· B.Sc and Other courses: June 2020
IGNOU Exam Form Overview
1. Exam Name IGNOU Term End Examination
2. Conducting Body Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU)
3. Mode of Exam Offline
4. Official Website ignou.ac.in
5. IGNOU Exam Form Dates
6. Events Dates
7. Start of form (Submission examination form IGNOU) 14th March 2020
8. IGNOU Exam Form Last Date to Submit IGNOU TEE Form 31st March 2020
9. Last Date to Submit IGNOU TEE Form with Late Fee of Rs. 500/- 1st to 30th April 2020
10.Last Date to Submit IGNOU TEE Form with Late Fee of Rs. 1000/- 1st to 5th May 2020
11.Release Date of IGNOU Hall Ticket May 2020
12.Exam Date June 2020
13.IGNOU Online Exam Form Submission Procedure
14.Refer to the subsequent points to submit the IGNOU Exam Form Online.
· Go to the official website of IGNOU @ http://www.ignou.ac.in/
· Click on the ‘Online Submission Form for IGNOU TEE’.
· Read the instructions carefully and click on on ‘Proceed To Fill the web Exam Form’.
· Fill up the appliance form with the right and required information.
· Enter the course code, enrollment number and choose the mode of payment to pay the exam fees.
· On successful submission of the exam form, you'll receive an acknowledgment with an impact number. Keep the auto-generated control number safely for your future reference.
· You can check the exam status through SEARCH OPTION after 72 hours of submitting the exam form.
· Take a printout of the confirmation page and keep it safe for future usage.
· IGNOU Exam Form Necessary Information
· It is mandatory for the candidate to refill the subsequent information in IGNOU Exam Form.
· Select the course code
· Select the exam center code
· Select practical exam
· Select theory courses
· Option code for MLIS is MLP and for BA, BCOM or BSC is BDP.
· IGNOU Exam Form Fee
Candidates pays their IGNOU Exam Fee online through Credit/Debit card/Net Banking. Once the exam fee are going to be paid, then it'll not be refunded in any situation. So, candidates are advised to pick courses carefully while filling the IGNOU December TEE form. The university won't consider the appliance form after the last date of submitting the exam form that's 5th November 2019. IGNOU Exam Fees for both the sensible and theory are mentioned below:
· Type of the Exam Exam Fee
· Practical Exam 150/-
· Theory Exam 150/-
The exam conducted twice within the year. So, the last date of submitting the exam form with and without late fee is mentioned below:
1. IGNOU December TEE Late Fee
2. 5th September to 20th October 2019 No
3. 21st October to 31st October 2019 Rs. 500/-
4. 1st November to 5th November 2019 Rs. 1000/-
5. IGNOU Exam Hall Ticket
IGNOU Hall Ticket are going to be released on its official website 10 days before the start of the exam. Candidates should enter their 9 digit enrollment number to download the IGNOU hall ticket. IGNOU Hall Ticket may be a vital document for the candidates who appear for the December Term End examination. The university won't issue the hall ticket to the candidate just in case the candidate fails to submit the relevant documents and exam fees. Students must carry their Hall Ticket along side the card issued by the Regional Centre/University. Otherwise, they're going to not be allowed to take a seat within the IGNOU December Term End Exam.
IGNOU Exam Form Important Instructions
Some of the important instructions regarding IGNOU Exam Form are listed below:
Candidates should await 72 hours after paying the exam fee to receive any acknowledgment. If candidates won't receive any acknowledgment after 72 hours, then they ought to again submit the IGNOU Exam Form 2019. The officials will return the fee through the chargeback process just in case of the unsuccessful payment. Candidates who will get a refund through the chargeback process and still attend the IGNOU exam. Those candidate’s results are going to be withheld until the successful exam fee payment. Candidates should provide their Aadhar Card details. Students confirm to submit only those course fees which they're going to appear within the exam. It is mandatory to submit the specified number of solved assignments before the submission of exam form at their respective Study Centre. The exam form authentication certificate should be duly signed by the Coordinator/Incharge of your Study Centre. Candidates confirm that the registration for the courses is valid. Candidates confirm to fill the course code and enrolment number correctly within the exam form.