BAVAE 181 Solved Assignment


BAVAE 181 Environment Studies

Solved Assignment

Course Code: BEVAE-181
Assignment Code: BEVAE-181/TMA/2019-2020
Maximum Marks: 100

Note: Attempt all questions. The marks for each question are indicated against it.



Q.1 (a) Explain the importance of environment in day to day life by citing suitable examples in about 120 words.

(b) “Sustainable development is a goal toward which all human societies need to be moving.” Elaborate the statement in about 120 words.

Q.2 Differentiate between the following terms by giving suitable examples in about 120 words:
(a) Primary succession and secondary succession

(b) Direct and indirect use value of biodiversity

Q.3 Answer the following questions in about 150 words.
(a) What is biodiversity hotspot? Why is India considered as a mega biodiversity hotspot?

(b) Distinguish between Biota of the Pelagic and Benthic zones of the Oceans with examples.

(c) Differentiate between the surface and ground water. Describe the factors responsible for degradation of water.

(d) Write a short note on global carbon cycle with the help of diagram.

Q.4 How does forest support ecological system and moderate global climate? Explain with suitable examples in about 250 words.

Q.5 “India has tremendous potential in non-conventional sources of energy.” Elucidate the statement with suitable examples and arguments in about 250 words.


Q.6 Explain the following terms in about 50 words:
(a) Ecofeminism

(b) Agenda 21

(c) Global Warming

(d) Hazardous Wastes

Q.7 Answer the following questions in about 150 words.
(a) How does Landfilling act as an important method of waste disposal? Explain.

(b) What is Acid rain? Describe its effect.

(c) Describe issues emerges in enforcement of national environment legislations.

(d) What is environmental ethics? Why do we need a set of ethics for the environment? Explain.

Q.8 “Habitat destruction is recognised as most significant threat to global biodiversity?” Elucidate the statement in present context with suitable examples in about 250 words.

Q.9 Differentiate between the primary and secondary pollutants. Explain how these pollutants are harmful for humans and environment in about 250 words.

Q.10 Critically analyse a case of people’s movement in India against environmental degradation in about 300 words.

BAVAE 181 Environment Studies : This assignment solution is based on 2019-2020 IGNOU Assignments to be submitted for IGNOU June’2020 Examination & December’2020 Examination It is mandatory to submit assignment before Last Date at IGNOU Study Centre to appear in IGNOU Examination. Assignments with good solution help student to gain better percentage because of its 30% weightage in final marks. All Assignments are prepared by our professionals based on 2020 question paper for best result. BAVAE 181 Environment Studies, We have ful money back guaranty in case of any dispute or mismatch. All assignments are in PDF format which would be send on email/WhatsApp just after payment. These assignments can be read on your smart phone also with unlimited download limit. Helpbooks IGNOU support centre always ready to provide free IGNOU Consultation & Help. I Hope you love this downloadable Solved Assignment.


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