MAN 002 Archaeological Anthropology
Solved Assignment 2019-20
Course Code: MAN 002
Assignment Code: MAN 002/AST/TMA/2018-19
Total Marks: 100
Note: Attempt any five
questions. Choose at least two questions from each section. All questions carry
equal marks. The word limit for 20 marks is 500 words and for 10 marks is 250
1. Define Archaeological Anthropology? Briefly comment on its main
2. Discuss the tool types and techniques of Lower Palaeolithic culture.
3. What is Dating Method? Discuss briefly various methods of
relative dating.
4. What is Chalcolithic culture? Examine briefly any two cultures
of Chalcolithic culture.
5. Write short note on any two of the following.
a. Relationship of archaeological anthropology with social sciences
b. Radiocarbon dating
c. Blade tool
d. Pleistocene epoch
6. What is Neolithic culture? Why is it called revolution?
7. Discuss the characteristics of Harappan civilization with
suitable examples from India.
8. Discuss the salient features of Indian Iron age with suitable
9. What is Public Archaeology? Discuss the role of public
archaeology in heritage management.
10. Write short note on any two of the following.
a. Museum
b. Megaliths
c. Home art
d. Environmental archaeology
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