MPSE 005
State and Society in
Study Notes
Unit-1 Introducing Africa
Unit-2 Colonial Legacies
Unit-3 Nationalism and Legacies
Unit-4 Problems of Statehood: Integration and Legitimisation
Unit-5 Issues of Development
Unit-6 Types of Regimes
Unit-7 Administration, Military and Political Parties
Unit-8 Africa and World Economy
Unit-9 Cold War, Non-Alignment and Africa
Unit-10 United Nations, Peacekeeping and Africa
Unit-11 Post-Cold War Africa
Unit-12 Human Security
Unit-13 Deterritorialisation and Problems of Social Identities
Unit-14 Violence and its Manifestations
Unit-15 Economic Cooperation: Continental and Regional
Unit-16 India and Africa
Africa is a continent of many countries, big and small. At present the continent consists of 54 countries (48 countries on the mainland and G island countries). Nearly 800 tnillion people accounting for 1? per cent ofthe total population of the world live on this continent. The continent accounts for nearly a quarter of the world’s landmass. It is the second largest continent next to Asia, It was physically joined to Asia in the northeast by the Sinai peninsula before the opening of the Suez Canal in 1869. Africa colltains some ofthe finest varieties ofworld culture, tribes, contrasts and contradictions. When India got independence there were only four indenp- Acnt countries in Afiica. By 1963 when the Organisation ofAfrica11 Unity (OAU) was es~ablished their nurrtber shot up to 32. With the independence of Portuguese colonies and countries of whites in the southern peninsula including Zimbabwe and Namibia, the number ofthe independent countries rose to 52.
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