MSW 016 Solved Assignment


MSW 016

 Basics of Counselling
 Solved Assignment

Course Code: MSW-016
Total marks: 100

Answer all the five questions. Note: (i) Answer all the five question s.

(ii) All questions carry equal marks.

 (iii) Answers to question no. 1 and 2 should not exceed 600 words each.

Q.1 Explain the factors that influence counselling process.


Discuss the models of counselling.

Q.2 Describe the counselling process.


Define Supportive Psychotherapy. Explain the components and techniques of Supportive Psychotherapy.

Q.3 Answer any two of the following questions in about 300 words each:
a) Define play therapy and explain its types.
b) Explain the need and scope of various tools in counselling.
c) Highlight the theoretical basis of cognitive behaviour therapy.
d) Describe the methods of intake, assessment, diagnosis and hypothesis formulation in family counselling.

Q.4 Answer any four of the following questions in about 200 words each:
a) What is the need and scope of counselling?
b) Enlist the skills needed for a counsellor.
c) Mention the roles of therapist and client in Cognitive Behaviour Therapy.
d) List any of the five roles of a family therapist.
e) Briefly explain the techniques of Adlerian counselling.
f) Point out the strengths of client centred counselling.

Q.5 Write short notes on any five of the following questions in about 100 words each:
a) Ethical counselling
b) Client records and rights
c) Child-centred Play Therapy
d) Role of a counsellor in psychoanalysis
e) Techniques of Existential Counselling
f) Rational Emotive Therapy
g) Reality Therapy
h) Behavioural Approach

MSW 015 Basics of Counselling : This assignment solution is based on 2019-2020 IGNOU Assignments to be submitted for IGNOU June’2020 Examination & December’2020 Examination It is mandatory to submit assignment before Last Date at IGNOU Study Centre to appear in IGNOU Examination. Assignments with good solution help student to gain better percentage because of its 30% weightage in final marks. All Assignments are prepared by our professionals based on 2020 question paper for best result. We have ful money back guaranty in case of any dispute or mismatch. All assignments are in PDF format which would be send on email/WhatsApp just after payment. These assignments can be read on your smart phone also with unlimited download limit. Helpbooks IGNOU support centre always ready to provide free IGNOU Consultation & Help. I Hope you love this downloadable Solved Assignment.




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