MANI 003
Assignment 2020-21
Total Marks: 100
Note: Attempt a total of five
questions. All questions carry equal marks. The word limit for 20 marks
question is 500 words and for 10 marks question it is 250 words. Attempt at
least two questions from each section.
1. Trace the history and growth of applied anthropology since 1945 to its present times.
2. Discuss the role played by anthropologists in the process of development.
3. Discuss the relationship between health and culture. Why is it important in anthropological studies?
4. Discuss the contributions a practicing anthropologist can make with the use of design anthropometry.
5. Attempt any two of the following:
a. History of applied anthropology in the United States
b. Genetic screening
c. Two theoretical perspectives of health and illness
d. Consumer behaviour and marketing
6. Discuss the use of biometrics in forensic anthropology.
7. How do practicing anthropologists contribute to disaster management? Discuss.
8. Discuss the utility of PRA and RRA in action research.
9. Attempt any two of the following:
a. Genetic counselling
b. Cultural anthropology and Tourism studies
c. Capacity development in practicing anthropology
d. Ethics of consent.
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