Assignment 2020-21
Course Code: MAW 002
Maximum Marks: 100
Answer all the questions. Each
question carries 20 marks
1. List out the specific animal
welfare issues in dairy animals and calves. Discuss the supporting and against
arguments in disbudding, dehorning and horn tipping in dairy animals.
2. Name the common identification
methods used in pig farming. Discuss the welfare implications of different
identification methods.
3. What is meant by beak trimming in
poultry? Explain the main welfare concerns, alternatives and precautions in
beak trimming.
4. Name the commonly encountered welfare issues in performing elephants. Discuss any two of them in detail.
5. Write short notes on the following
in about 150 -200 words each:
a. Camel nose pegs vis-a-vis welfare
b. The 3Rs concept in lab animal welfare
c. Devocalization / debarking in pet
dogs and cats
d. Humane slaughter
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