MEG 05 Solved Assignment 2023-24


MEG 05 Solved Assignment 2023-24

Literary Criticism & Theory

MEG 05 Solved Assignment 2023-24 : All assignments are in PDF format which would be send on email/WhatsApp (9958676204) just after payment.

Assignment Code: ASST/ MEG 05/2023-24

Marks: 100

Answer all questions in this assignment.

Q1. Why does Plato want the artists to be kept away from the ideal state? Discuss.

Plato’s critique of art and artists in his "Republic" arises from his concerns about mimesis, imitation or representation, and their impact on the inhabitants of the ideal state.

In Plato’s view, the physical world we live in is merely an imperfect imitation of the "World of Forms" or "Ideas," which are eternal, unchanging archetypes of the things we see around us. In this context, art becomes a copy of a copy - an imitation of things in the physical world, which themselves are imperfect imitations of the ideal Forms. This makes art thrice removed from reality, or truth.

Moreover, Plato considers poets and artists to be people who merely imitate appearances and don’t grasp the true essence of the things they represent. He uses the example of a painter painting a bed, noting that while a carpenter can make a bed using knowledge of the "Form" of a bed, a painter can only imitate the bed’s appearance, not its essence. This creates a risk of falsehood and illusion, and Plato was concerned about the potentially misleading and corrupting influence of such art.

Plato also critiques the emotional impact of arts. He believes that art has the power to stir up emotions that may lead citizens away from reason, which he sees as the key to virtue. For instance, tragic dramas may make people feel fear, anger, or pity, which can be destabilizing and detrimental to rational thinking. This emotional manipulation is seen as another reason to banish artists from the ideal state.

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Additionally, in the context of education for his "guardians" (the ruling class in his ideal state), Plato is concerned that the young will take the illusions presented by art for reality. He advocates for a strict control of the myths and poetry that children are exposed to, banning any stories that depict the gods as deceitful or immoral, as well as any that glorify evil or depict the afterlife in a terrifying way.

In sum, Plato's desire to exclude artists from his ideal state lies in his belief that art, being imitative and emotionally manipulative, might mislead citizens, divert them from rational thought, and undermine the moral and philosophical education necessary for the governance of the state.

Q2. Examine the purpose spontaneity, emotions and personality serve in Wordsworth’s theory of poetry.

Q3. Write short notes on the following:

a) Peripetia

(b) Sphota

(c) Class ideology

(d) Poetic Diction

Q4. Discuss briefly, the ideas of Marx and Engels on class relations.

Q5. Comment on Mary Wollstonecraft’s contributions to the rights of women.

MEG 05 Solved Assignment 2023-24 : All assignments are in PDF format which would be send on email/WhatsApp (9958676204) just after payment.

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