MED 003 Solved Assignment 2024-25


MED 003 Solved Assignment 2024-25

Energy and Environment

MED 003 Solved Assignment 2024-25 : All assignments are in PDF format which would be send on email/WhatsApp (9958676204) just after payment.

Assignment Code: ASST/ MED 003 /2024-25

Marks: 100

Attempt all the questions:

Q1. What is solar photovoltaic technology? Discuss its underlying principle and applications.

Solar photovoltaic (PV) technology is a method of converting sunlight into electricity using semiconducting materials. It is a sustainable and renewable energy source that harnesses the abundant energy from the sun and converts it into usable electrical power.

The basic principle behind solar PV technology is the photovoltaic effect, which was first discovered by Alexandre-Edmond Becquerel in 1839. The photovoltaic effect occurs when certain materials called semiconductors absorb photons (light particles) from sunlight. This absorption generates an electric current within the material.

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The key component of a solar PV system is the solar cell, which is typically made of silicon. When photons from sunlight strike the silicon atoms within the solar cell, they transfer their energy to the electrons in the silicon atoms, causing them to become excited and break free from their atomic bonds. These free electrons create an electric current when they flow through the material. By connecting multiple solar cells together, the electric current generated by each cell can be combined to produce a larger amount of electricity.

Solar Panels: Solar panels, also known as photovoltaic modules, consist of multiple solar cells connected together. These panels are usually mounted on rooftops or in open spaces to capture sunlight.

Inverter: The direct current (DC) electricity produced by the solar panels needs to be converted into alternating current (AC) electricity, which is the type of electricity used in most households and businesses. An inverter is used to perform this conversion.

Mounting Structure: Solar panels need to be securely mounted in a position that maximizes their exposure to sunlight. Mounting structures can vary depending on the location and type of installation.

Wiring and Connectors: Wiring and connectors are used to connect the solar panels to the inverter and other components of the system.

Battery (optional): In some off-grid or hybrid solar PV systems, batteries are used to store excess electricity generated during sunny periods for use during times when sunlight is not available.

Residential Solar Power: Solar PV systems can be installed on residential rooftops to provide electricity for homes. This reduces dependence on traditional grid electricity and can lead to significant cost savings over time.

Commercial and Industrial Applications: Many commercial and industrial buildings use solar PV systems to generate electricity for their operations. This can help businesses reduce their energy costs and decrease their carbon footprint.

Utility-Scale Solar Power Plants: Large-scale solar power plants, consisting of thousands of solar panels, are built in sunny regions to generate electricity on a massive scale. These solar farms can provide clean energy to thousands of homes and businesses.

Remote Power Systems: Solar PV systems are ideal for providing electricity in remote areas where grid power is unavailable or impractical. They are commonly used to power telecommunications equipment, remote monitoring stations, and off-grid homes.

Solar-Powered Vehicles: Solar PV technology is also being integrated into vehicles, including cars, boats, and drones, to provide supplementary power and extend their range.

Overall, solar PV technology offers a clean, renewable, and sustainable source of electricity with a wide range of applications across residential, commercial, industrial, and remote settings. As technology advances and costs continue to decrease, solar PV is becoming an increasingly important part of the global energy mix.

Q2. Explain how the carrying capacity of the Earth can be estimated using various parameters.

Q3. Give a brief description of the future projection of world energy demand as per EIA International Energy Outlook2004.

Q4. Discuss the advantages and limitations of Clean Development Mechanism to help meet the challenge of combating climate change.

Q5. Discuss the factors that need to be kept in view while formulating the energy policy.

Q6. What is energy economics? Explain the factors that need to be considered in energy economics.

Q7. Describe the positive and negative impacts of the solar energy technology on the environment.

Q8. Discuss the working of a wind energy system with the help of a suitable diagram.

Q9. Discuss the advantages and limitations of small hydropower plant.

Q10. Write short notes on the following:

 (i) Functions of the components of a thermal power plant

 (ii) Benefits of carbon taxation

 (iii) Working of a biogas plant

 (iv) Fuel switching

MED 003 Solved Assignment 2024-25 : All assignments are in PDF format which would be send on email/WhatsApp (9958676204) just after payment.

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