MJM 021 Solved Assignment 2024-25


MJM 021 Solved Assignment 2024-25

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MJM 021 Solved Assignment 2024-25 : All assignments are in PDF format which would be send on email/WhatsApp (9958676204) just after payment.

Assignment Code: ASST/ MJM 021 /2024-25

Marks: 100

Attempt all the questions:

Q1. How is the digital transformation affecting traditional businesses in India? Write a feature article that explores the challenges and innovations experienced by these businesses as they navigate the shift to digital. Include case studies or interviews to provide a human angle to the story.

In the bustling streets of India, where tradition meets innovation, a silent revolution is underway. The advent of digital transformation is reshaping the landscape of traditional businesses, stirring both excitement and apprehension among entrepreneurs and consumers alike. As the world rapidly embraces digital technologies, businesses in India are faced with the imperative to adapt or risk obsolescence. In this feature article, we delve into the challenges and innovations experienced by these businesses as they navigate the shift to digital, capturing insights from real-life case studies and interviews.

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In a country renowned for its rich cultural heritage and diverse markets, traditional businesses have long thrived on personal relationships, word-of-mouth referrals, and time-tested practices. However, the advent of digital technologies has ushered in a new era, challenging conventional business models and demanding a reevaluation of strategies.

Mr. Rajesh Kumar, the owner of a family-run textile shop in Jaipur, recounts his initial skepticism towards digitization. "At first, I was reluctant to embrace technology," he admits. "But with changing consumer preferences and the rise of online shopping platforms, I realized the need to adapt."

The journey towards digital transformation is not without hurdles. For many traditional businesses, the transition poses significant challenges, including:

Technological Barriers: Limited access to technology and digital literacy among business owners and employees hinder the adoption of digital tools.

Resource Constraints: Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) often face budgetary constraints, making it difficult to invest in expensive digital infrastructure and training programs.

Cultural Resistance: Deep-rooted cultural norms and resistance to change pose barriers to embracing digital technologies, particularly among older generations.

Despite these challenges, innovative solutions and success stories are emerging across various industries, demonstrating the resilience and adaptability of Indian businesses in the face of digital disruption.

From traditional artisans to neighborhood grocery stores, businesses across India are harnessing the power of digital technologies to streamline operations, reach new markets, and enhance customer experiences.

In the narrow lanes of Varanasi, renowned for its exquisite silk sarees, Mr. Gupta, a master weaver, has transformed his age-old craft through digital platforms. Partnering with online marketplaces, he now showcases his creations to a global audience, bypassing traditional middlemen and expanding his customer base.

"The internet has opened doors to opportunities beyond imagination," Mr. Gupta remarks. "Through online platforms, I can connect directly with customers and preserve our heritage craft for future generations."

In the bustling city of Mumbai, Mrs. Patel, the owner of a neighborhood grocery store, has embraced digital payment solutions to cater to changing consumer preferences.

"With the rise of digital payments, we realized the need to adapt to remain competitive," Mrs. Patel explains. "By offering digital payment options, we not only enhance convenience for our customers but also streamline our accounting processes."

As traditional businesses in India embark on their digital journey, the road ahead remains fraught with challenges and uncertainties. However, amidst the disruption lies immense potential for growth, innovation, and sustainable development.

"To thrive in the digital age, businesses must be agile, innovative, and customer-centric," advises Ms. Sharma, a digital marketing expert. "By embracing digital technologies and fostering a culture of continuous learning and adaptation, traditional businesses can chart a path towards long-term success in the digital era."

In conclusion, the digital transformation sweeping across India is reshaping the fabric of traditional businesses, challenging age-old norms, and unlocking new opportunities for growth and innovation. Through strategic investments in technology, a commitment to learning, and a willingness to adapt, these businesses are not only surviving but thriving in the digital age, paving the way for a brighter and more inclusive future.

Q2. Examine the concept of climate justice and its relevance in the Indian context. Write an article that discusses how climate change disproportionately affects different communities within India, and analyze the efforts being made towards achieving climate justice. Include case studies and expert opinions to illustrate the challenges and potential solutions.

Q3. Develop a news story that highlights a current issue or development in the field of mental health. How does your story convey the significance of this issue to the general public, and what are the broader implications for society?

Q4. On the basis of the unit ‘Research for Journalistic Writing’, use the various methods and tools of journalistic research to write an explainer on a religious issue that has been recently in the news.

Q5. Craft a comment piece on the evolving landscape of the Indian entertainment industry, focusing on the rise of web series and digital streaming platforms. Discuss the cultural and economic implications of this change, including its impact on storytelling, representation, and viewer habits.  

MJM 021 Solved Assignment 2024-25 : All assignments are in PDF format which would be send on email/WhatsApp (9958676204) just after payment.

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IGNOU MJM 021 Solved Assignment 2024-25 :- Those students who had successfully submitted their Assignments to their allocated study centers can now check their Assignment Status. Alongside --assignment status, they will also checkout their assignment marks & result. All this is often available in a web mode. After submitting the assignment, you'll check you MJM 021 Solved Assignment 2024-25 only after 3-4 weeks. MJM 021 Solved Assignment 2024-25 it'd take 40 days to declare MJM 021 Solved Assignment 2024-25

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