MSD 014 Solved Assignment 2024-25


MSD 014 Solved Assignment 2024-25

Ecological Economics

MSD 014 Solved Assignment 2024-25 : All assignments are in PDF format which would be send on email/WhatsApp (9958676204) just after payment.

Assignment Code: ASST/ MSD 014 /2024-25

Marks: 100

Attempt all the questions:

Q1. Explain the different stages of Demographic Transition Model.

The Demographic Transition Model (DTM) is a theoretical framework used to describe the demographic changes that typically occur as societies progress from pre-industrial to industrialized economies. It outlines the stages through which a population transitions over time, based on changes in birth rates, death rates, and population growth. The model typically consists of four or five stages, each representing distinct patterns of population growth. Here are the stages:

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In this stage, both birth rates and death rates are high, resulting in a low rate of population growth.

Typically associated with pre-industrial societies where agriculture is the primary economic activity and medical technology is limited.

Population size is relatively stable, but periodic fluctuations due to famines, diseases, and other factors may occur.

This stage is marked by a significant decline in death rates due to improvements in healthcare, sanitation, and nutrition. Birth rates remain high, leading to rapid population growth.

Death rates decline rapidly due to advancements in medical science, better sanitation, and improved access to food.

Birth rates remain high or even increase due to cultural and social factors, resulting in a rapid increase in population size.

Population growth accelerates, leading to a demographic explosion.

Industrialization and urbanization often begin during this stage.

In this stage, birth rates start to decline as a result of factors such as increased education, urbanization, and access to contraception. Death rates continue to decline but at a slower pace.

Birth rates gradually decrease due to societal changes, such as increased education and workforce participation of women, urbanization, and access to contraception.

Death rates continue to decline but at a slower pace compared to Stage 2.

Population growth rate begins to slow down, although the population continues to increase.

Industrialization and urbanization progress further, with more people moving from rural to urban areas.

Birth rates and death rates are both low, resulting in a low rate of population growth.

Birth rates and death rates are both low and roughly equal.

Population growth rate stabilizes or reaches zero.

Population size may stabilize or reach equilibrium.

Industrialization and urbanization are well-established, with most of the population living in urban areas.

Aging population becomes a significant demographic challenge, with implications for healthcare, pensions, and labor force participation.

Some models include a Stage 5, which represents a potential future stage characterized by declining population size due to very low birth rates, an aging population, and other demographic factors. However, not all countries reach this stage, and it's often considered speculative.

Q2. Discuss ‘the market-globalization-environmental degradation linkages’ with suitable examples.

Q3. Define the term Fragile Ecosystem. Explain the livelihood system in any one of the fragile ecosystem in your country.

Q4. Explain the concept of Total Economic Values of Ecosystem Services.

MSD 014 Solved Assignment 2024-25 : All assignments are in PDF format which would be send on email/WhatsApp (9958676204) just after payment.

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