IGNOU MPS 003 Important Questions

 IGNOU's Master of Arts in Political Science (MPS) program includes several critical courses designed to provide comprehensive knowledge in various areas of political science. One of the key courses in this program is MPS 003: India's Foreign Policy. This course offers a detailed examination of India's interactions with other nations and its role on the global stage. This article aims to highlight important questions and topics for MPS 003, helping students prepare effectively for their exams.

Course Overview

What is MPS 003?

MPS 003: India's Foreign Policy is a core course that delves into the intricacies of India's foreign relations, policy-making processes, and the underlying principles guiding its international behavior. It covers historical developments, major themes, and contemporary issues in India's foreign policy.

Importance of MPS 003

Understanding India's foreign policy is crucial for students of political science as it provides insights into how India navigates its international relationships, addresses global challenges, and positions itself as a major player on the world stage. This course equips students with the analytical tools necessary to critically assess India's foreign policy decisions and their implications.

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Detailed Outline of Important Questions

Historical Evolution of India's Foreign Policy

  • Discuss the key phases in the evolution of India's foreign policy since independence.
  • How did the Cold War influence India's foreign policy?
  • Explain the significance of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) in India's foreign policy.
  • Analyze the impact of India's economic liberalization in the 1990s on its foreign policy.

Principles of India's Foreign Policy

  • What are the core principles guiding India's foreign policy?
  • Discuss the principle of Panchsheel and its relevance in India's foreign relations.
  • How does India balance its strategic autonomy with its alliances and partnerships?

India's Relations with Major Powers

United States

  • Trace the development of India-US relations from the Cold War to the present.
  • Discuss the key areas of cooperation and contention between India and the US.
  • How has the Indo-US nuclear deal impacted bilateral relations?


  • Analyze the historical ties between India and Russia.
  • Discuss the significance of defense cooperation in India-Russia relations.
  • What are the challenges and opportunities in the current India-Russia relationship?


  • Examine the key issues in India-China relations.
  • Discuss the impact of the border disputes on bilateral relations.
  • How do economic ties influence the political dynamics between India and China?

India's Relations with Neighbors


  • Discuss the main issues affecting India-Pakistan relations.
  • Analyze the impact of the Kashmir conflict on bilateral ties.
  • What role does cross-border terrorism play in shaping India's policy towards Pakistan?


  • Explain the significance of the Ganga Water Treaty in India-Bangladesh relations.
  • Discuss the impact of migration and border management on bilateral relations.
  • How has economic cooperation evolved between India and Bangladesh?


  • Analyze the historical and cultural ties between India and Nepal.
  • Discuss the impact of political instability in Nepal on India-Nepal relations.
  • What are the key areas of cooperation between the two countries?

Sri Lanka

  • Discuss the influence of the Tamil issue on India-Sri Lanka relations.
  • Analyze the role of economic and defense cooperation in bilateral ties.
  • How has China's growing presence in Sri Lanka affected India's policy?

India's Engagement with Regional Organizations


  • What is SAARC, and what role does it play in South Asian regional cooperation?
  • Discuss the challenges and successes of India's engagement with SAARC.
  • How can SAARC be revitalized to enhance regional cooperation?


  • Explain the objectives and significance of BIMSTEC.
  • Discuss the areas of cooperation and challenges in India's involvement with BIMSTEC.
  • How does BIMSTEC complement India's Act East policy?

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India's Policy towards Global Institutions

United Nations

  • Discuss India's role and contributions to the United Nations.
  • Analyze India's position on UN reforms, particularly the Security Council.
  • How does India leverage its participation in UN peacekeeping operations?


  • Explain India's stance on major issues within the World Trade Organization (WTO).
  • Discuss the challenges and opportunities for India in the WTO negotiations.
  • How does India's trade policy align with its commitments to the WTO?

India's Strategic and Security Concerns

Nuclear Policy

  • Discuss the evolution of India's nuclear policy.
  • Analyze the significance of India's nuclear doctrine of No First Use (NFU).
  • What are the implications of India's nuclear policy for regional and global security?

Maritime Security

  • Explain the importance of maritime security for India.
  • Discuss India's strategic interests in the Indian Ocean Region.
  • How does India address the challenges of piracy and maritime terrorism?


  • Analyze India's counterterrorism strategy.
  • Discuss the role of international cooperation in India's counterterrorism efforts.
  • How does cross-border terrorism impact India's foreign policy?

India's Economic Diplomacy

Trade and Investment

  • Discuss India's trade policy and its impact on foreign relations.
  • Analyze the role of foreign direct investment (FDI) in India's economic diplomacy.
  • How does India engage with multilateral trade agreements?

Energy Security

  • Explain the importance of energy security in India's foreign policy.
  • Discuss India's strategies for securing energy resources.
  • How do international energy markets influence India's foreign relations?

India's Soft Power

Cultural Diplomacy

  • Discuss the role of cultural diplomacy in India's foreign policy.
  • Analyze the impact of Bollywood and Indian culture on India's global image.
  • How does India use cultural diplomacy to strengthen its international relations?


  • Explain the significance of the Indian diaspora in shaping India's foreign policy.
  • Discuss the role of the diaspora in enhancing bilateral ties with host countries.
  • How does India engage with its diaspora to promote national interests?

Contemporary Issues in India's Foreign Policy

Climate Change

  • Discuss India's approach to addressing climate change in its foreign policy.
  • Analyze India's role in international climate negotiations.
  • How does climate change impact India's relations with other countries?

Digital Diplomacy

  • Explain the concept of digital diplomacy and its relevance for India.
  • Discuss India's initiatives in promoting digital diplomacy.
  • How does digital diplomacy enhance India's global engagement?

Regional Conflicts

  • Analyze India's role in managing and resolving regional conflicts.
  • Discuss the challenges India faces in its conflict resolution efforts.
  • How do regional conflicts influence India's foreign policy decisions?


  • Summarize the key points discussed in the article.
  • Highlight the importance of understanding India's foreign policy for students of political science.
  • Provide a call to action for further study and exploration of India's international relations.

Content Writing


India's foreign policy has evolved significantly since its independence, reflecting its changing strategic interests and global aspirations. The IGNOU MPS 003 course on India's Foreign Policy provides an in-depth understanding of these dynamics. This article aims to highlight important questions and topics that students should focus on to excel in their exams and gain a comprehensive understanding of India's foreign relations.

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Historical Evolution of India's Foreign Policy

Key Phases in Evolution

India's foreign policy has undergone several phases, each reflecting the country's changing priorities and global context:

  • Post-Independence Era: Focused on maintaining sovereignty and building a non-aligned movement.
  • Cold War Period: Navigated between the US and USSR, emphasizing strategic autonomy.
  • Post-Cold War Era: Shifted towards economic liberalization and global integration.
  • 21st Century: Focus on becoming a global player, enhancing strategic partnerships, and addressing new security challenges.

Impact of the Cold War

During the Cold War, India's foreign policy was characterized by non-alignment, avoiding alignment with either the US-led Western bloc or the Soviet-led Eastern bloc. This approach allowed India to maintain strategic autonomy and pursue an independent foreign policy.

Significance of the Non-Aligned Movement

The Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) was a cornerstone of India's foreign policy during the Cold War. It aimed to provide a platform for countries not aligned with any major power blocs, promoting peace, disarmament, and development.

Economic Liberalization in the 1990s

India's economic liberalization in the 1990s marked a significant shift in its foreign policy, focusing on economic growth, attracting foreign investment, and integrating with the global economy. This shift led to enhanced international partnerships and a more proactive role in global affairs.

Principles of India's Foreign Policy

Core Principles

India's foreign policy is guided by several core principles, including:

  • Strategic Autonomy: Maintaining independence in decision-making.
  • Panchsheel: Five principles of peaceful coexistence (mutual respect, non-aggression, non-interference, equality, and peaceful coexistence).
  • Non-Alignment: Avoiding military alliances and power blocs.

Principle of Panchsheel

The Panchsheel principles were articulated in the 1950s and have been central to India's foreign policy. They emphasize respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity, non-interference in internal affairs, and peaceful coexistence.

Balancing Strategic Autonomy

India balances its strategic autonomy with alliances and partnerships by engaging in multilateral forums, forming strategic partnerships with key countries, and participating in global initiatives while avoiding entangling alliances.

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India's Relations with Major Powers

United States

Development of Relations

India-US relations have evolved from estrangement during the Cold War to a strategic partnership in the 21st century, marked by cooperation in defense, trade, and technology.

Areas of Cooperation and Contention

Key areas of cooperation include defense, counterterrorism, and technology. Contentious issues involve trade disputes, immigration policies, and differing views on regional security.

Impact of the Indo-US Nuclear Deal

The Indo-US nuclear deal, signed in 2008, marked a turning point in bilateral relations, allowing India access to civilian nuclear technology and fuel, and signifying a strategic partnership.


Historical Ties

India and Russia share a longstanding relationship rooted in defense cooperation, economic ties, and mutual support in international forums.

Defense Cooperation

Defense cooperation remains a cornerstone of India-Russia relations, with India being a major purchaser of Russian military equipment and technology.

Current Challenges and Opportunities

Challenges include balancing relations with the US and Russia and adapting to changing geopolitical dynamics. Opportunities lie in expanding economic cooperation and joint ventures in technology and energy.


Key Issues in Relations

India-China relations are complex, marked by cooperation and competition. Key issues include border disputes, trade imbalances, and regional influence.

Border Disputes

The border disputes, particularly in the Himalayas, have led to military standoffs and strained relations. Resolving these disputes is crucial for bilateral stability.

Economic Ties and Political Dynamics

Economic ties are significant, with China being a major trading partner. However, political dynamics, including strategic rivalry and regional competition, influence the relationship.

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India's Relations with Neighbors


Main Issues Affecting Relations

India-Pakistan relations are primarily affected by the Kashmir conflict, cross-border terrorism, and historical animosities.

Impact of the Kashmir Conflict

The Kashmir conflict remains a central issue, influencing diplomatic, military, and people-to-people relations between the two countries.

Cross-Border Terrorism

Cross-border terrorism, involving militant groups operating from Pakistani territory, exacerbates tensions and shapes India's security policies towards Pakistan.


Ganga Water Treaty

The Ganga Water Treaty, signed in 1996, addresses water-sharing issues between India and Bangladesh, enhancing cooperation and reducing conflicts over water resources.

Migration and Border Management

Migration and border management are critical issues, with both countries working to address illegal immigration, smuggling, and border security.

Economic Cooperation

Economic cooperation has grown, with increased trade, investment, and connectivity projects enhancing bilateral ties.


Historical and Cultural Ties

India and Nepal share deep historical and cultural ties, influenced by shared religious, linguistic, and social bonds.

Political Instability in Nepal

Political instability in Nepal affects bilateral relations, with India often playing a role in mediating conflicts and supporting democratic processes.

Areas of Cooperation

Key areas of cooperation include trade, investment, infrastructure development, and energy cooperation, particularly hydropower projects.

Sri Lanka

Tamil Issue

The Tamil issue, involving the ethnic conflict between the Tamil minority and the Sinhalese majority in Sri Lanka, has significantly impacted India-Sri Lanka relations.

Economic and Defense Cooperation

Economic and defense cooperation are vital components, with India investing in Sri Lankan infrastructure and defense sectors to enhance bilateral ties.

China's Presence in Sri Lanka

China's growing presence in Sri Lanka, through investments and strategic projects, influences India's policy, focusing on countering Chinese influence in the region.

India's Engagement with Regional Organizations


Role in Regional Cooperation

The South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) aims to promote regional cooperation and development among South Asian countries.

Challenges and Successes

Challenges include political conflicts, particularly between India and Pakistan, hindering effective cooperation. Successes involve initiatives in trade, health, and education.

Revitalizing SAARC

Revitalizing SAARC requires addressing political differences, enhancing economic integration, and fostering a cooperative security framework.


Objectives and Significance

The Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation (BIMSTEC) aims to promote regional integration and cooperation among South and Southeast Asian countries.

Areas of Cooperation and Challenges

Areas of cooperation include trade, connectivity, energy, and security. Challenges involve coordinating policies among diverse member states and addressing infrastructural deficits.

Complementing the Act East Policy

BIMSTEC complements India's Act East policy by enhancing connectivity and cooperation with Southeast Asian countries, promoting regional stability and economic growth.

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India's Policy towards Global Institutions

United Nations

Role and Contributions

India plays an active role in the United Nations, contributing to peacekeeping operations, promoting sustainable development, and advocating for multilateralism.

Position on UN Reforms

India advocates for comprehensive UN reforms, particularly the expansion of the Security Council, to reflect contemporary global realities and ensure equitable representation.

Participation in Peacekeeping

India is one of the largest contributors to UN peacekeeping missions, underscoring its commitment to global peace and security.

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Stance on Major Issues

India's stance in the World Trade Organization (WTO) emphasizes protecting its agricultural interests, advocating for fair trade practices, and ensuring development-oriented outcomes.

Challenges and Opportunities

Challenges include addressing trade disputes, balancing domestic interests with global commitments, and negotiating favorable terms in trade agreements. Opportunities lie in leveraging WTO mechanisms to enhance market access and boost exports.

Alignment with Trade Policy

India's trade policy aligns with its WTO commitments by promoting exports, attracting foreign investment, and engaging in regional and multilateral trade agreements.

India's Strategic and Security Concerns

Nuclear Policy

Evolution of Nuclear Policy

India's nuclear policy has evolved from nuclear abstinence to a declared nuclear weapons state with a focus on minimum credible deterrence and No First Use (NFU) doctrine.

Significance of No First Use

The NFU policy underscores India's commitment to using nuclear weapons solely for deterrence, enhancing strategic stability in the region.

Implications for Security

India's nuclear policy has implications for regional and global security, influencing its relations with nuclear and non-nuclear states and contributing to strategic stability.

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Maritime Security

Importance of Maritime Security

Maritime security is crucial for protecting India's extensive coastline, securing trade routes, and ensuring the safety of its maritime interests.

Strategic Interests in the Indian Ocean

India's strategic interests in the Indian Ocean include maintaining freedom of navigation, countering piracy, and ensuring regional stability through naval presence and cooperation.

Addressing Piracy and Maritime Terrorism

India addresses piracy and maritime terrorism through naval patrols, international cooperation, and participation in regional security initiatives.


Counterterrorism Strategy

India's counterterrorism strategy involves a comprehensive approach, including intelligence gathering, law enforcement, border security, and international cooperation.

Role of International Cooperation

International cooperation is vital for India's counterterrorism efforts, involving intelligence sharing, joint operations, and diplomatic initiatives to combat global terrorism.

Impact of Cross-Border Terrorism

Cross-border terrorism, particularly from neighboring countries, significantly impacts India's security policies, leading to heightened border security measures and diplomatic efforts to address the issue.

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India's Economic Diplomacy

Trade and Investment

Trade Policy and Foreign Relations

India's trade policy focuses on expanding market access, diversifying export markets, and negotiating favorable trade agreements to enhance economic growth.

Role of Foreign Direct Investment

Foreign direct investment (FDI) plays a crucial role in India's economic diplomacy, attracting capital, technology, and expertise to boost economic development.

Engagement with Multilateral Trade Agreements

India engages with multilateral trade agreements to promote trade liberalization, enhance market access, and integrate with the global economy.

Energy Security

Importance of Energy Security

Energy security is a critical aspect of India's foreign policy, ensuring reliable access to energy resources to support economic growth and development.

Strategies for Securing Energy Resources

India's strategies for securing energy resources include diversifying energy sources, investing in renewable energy, and establishing strategic energy partnerships.

Influence of International Energy Markets

International energy markets influence India's foreign relations by shaping its energy policy, trade dynamics, and strategic partnerships with major energy-producing countries.

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India's Soft Power

Cultural Diplomacy

Role of Cultural Diplomacy

Cultural diplomacy is an essential component of India's foreign policy, promoting its rich cultural heritage to enhance its global image and foster people-to-people connections.

Impact of Bollywood and Indian Culture

Bollywood and Indian culture play a significant role in India's cultural diplomacy, spreading Indian values and traditions globally and strengthening bilateral ties.

Strengthening International Relations

India uses cultural diplomacy to strengthen international relations by organizing cultural festivals, exchange programs, and showcasing its cultural diversity abroad.


Significance of the Indian Diaspora

The Indian diaspora, one of the largest globally, significantly influences India's foreign policy by contributing to economic growth, political advocacy, and cultural promotion.

Enhancing Bilateral Ties

The diaspora enhances bilateral ties by acting as a bridge between India and host countries, promoting trade, investment, and cultural exchange.

Engaging with the Diaspora

India engages with its diaspora through various initiatives, including Pravasi Bharatiya Divas, diaspora outreach programs, and policies to facilitate their contributions to India's development.

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Contemporary Issues in India's Foreign Policy

Climate Change

Addressing Climate Change

India addresses climate change through international cooperation, domestic policies focused on sustainability, and active participation in global climate negotiations.

Role in International Climate Negotiations

India plays a proactive role in international climate negotiations, advocating for equitable and sustainable solutions, and contributing to global climate action initiatives.

Impact on Foreign Relations

Climate change impacts India's foreign relations by influencing its policies on energy, trade, and regional cooperation, requiring collaborative efforts to address environmental challenges.

Digital Diplomacy

Concept of Digital Diplomacy

Digital diplomacy involves the use of digital platforms and technologies to conduct diplomacy, engage with global audiences, and promote national interests.

Initiatives in Promoting Digital Diplomacy

India promotes digital diplomacy through initiatives like the Digital India campaign, leveraging social media for diplomatic outreach, and enhancing digital infrastructure.

Enhancing Global Engagement

Digital diplomacy enhances India's global engagement by increasing transparency, fostering real-time communication, and reaching wider audiences, including the global diaspora.

Regional Conflicts

Role in Managing Regional Conflicts

India plays a crucial role in managing regional conflicts through diplomatic mediation, peacekeeping efforts, and supporting conflict resolution initiatives.

Challenges in Conflict Resolution

Challenges in conflict resolution include political complexities, historical grievances, and balancing national interests with regional stability.

Influence on Foreign Policy Decisions

Regional conflicts influence India's foreign policy decisions by shaping its security strategy, diplomatic engagements, and regional alliances.

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India's foreign policy is multifaceted, reflecting its strategic interests, historical experiences, and aspirations on the global stage. Understanding the complexities of India's foreign relations is essential for students of political science. This article has highlighted important questions and topics in the IGNOU MPS 003 course, providing a comprehensive guide to help students prepare effectively for their exams.